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📄 Commands in Hollow Engine

At the moment, there are a few commands to simplify scripting in the mod.

/hollowengine pos-Copies code to indicate the position of the block you are looking at.
/hollowengine hand-Copies code to indicate the item in your hand. As well as its quantity and NBT tags
/hollowengine start-script<The player, or rather his team>, <Path to script>Runs a script for the specified player's team. Specify the full path to the file starting from the scripts folder, for example: scripts/
/hollowengine model<ResourceLocation>Shows what animations and textures the specified model contains.
/hollowengine active-events-Outputs a list of running events for the player who invoked the command.
/hollowengine compile-all-Compiles all your scripts so they run instantly.
/hollowengine stop-script<The player, or rather his team>, <Path to script>Принудительно завершает скрипт для команды указанного игрока. Указывать следует полный путь к файлу начиная с папки scripts, например: scripts/