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ℹ️Introduction ℹ️

🔷 Current documentation 🔷

Tells how about to work with HollowEngine mod.

⚠️Warning ⚠️

▶ Current documentation is official documentation about HollowEngine mod.

▶ If you have a problem with current documentation, found me on Hollow Projects Discord AlgorithmLX and describe your problem.

▶ If you found an error, please tell us about it, or fix yourself by sending a PR on GitHub

⚠️ ️Предупреждаю ⚠️

ℹ️ Автор данного гайда - "_BENDY659_", и все проблемы связанные с данным гайдом обращаться ко мне, не беспокойте Разработчиков, т.к. к этому гайду они никак не причастны.

▶ Main documentation authors: _BENDY659_(Documentation of HE), HollowHorizon(Error fixes for _BENDY659_, writing documentation for HollowCore, finalizing documentation for HollowEngine), AlgorithmLX(Frontend & Backend Doc. Developer, English Translator) ◀

▶ Documentation Developer: AlgorithmLX, HollowHorizon