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Version: 2.0

HollowCore Docs

So, let's start with why you might need this mod.

HollowCore Features

Multi-modloader support

  • A universal system for registering game content using Kotlin delegates.
  • Universal package system with automatic serialization and package registration.
  • Universal nbt data storage system for blocks, entities, and dimensions.
  • Universal event system, as well as support for coroutines.

Simplify development

  • Automatic generation of template models for blocks and items via the built-in resource pack.
  • Serialize any objects in nbt using KotlinX Serialization.
  • Toml config system based on KotlinX Serialization.
  • Automatic generation of template sounds.json.


  • UI library based on ImGui, rendering: basic widgets, items, blocks, containers, slots, etc.
  • Multi-threaded loader for GLTF models with support for: skeletal animation, skinning, morph targets and PBR materials for Iris/Oculus.
  • Support for effects from Effekseer.
  • Support for textures: (a)png, gif, jpeg, tiff, etc.
  • Audio support: ogg, wav, and mp3.

Installing HollowCore

Install to play

You can download HollowCore from GitHub.

Installation for development

Add the repository to your project:

repositories {

After that, install HollowCore itself:

dependencies {
// Replace modLoader with Forge/Fabric, depending on the environment
// Replace minecraftVersion with the version of the game you'll be developing for
// Replace hcVersion with any modification version