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Version: 2.0

Serialization in NBT

Preparing the Class

So, first, create a class that can later be serialized to NBT.


class User(
val name: String,
val age: Int,
val address: String,
val friends: List<String>

Serialize a simple class

Now we can easily convert this class to NBT:

import ru.hollowhorizon.hc.client.utils.nbt.NBTFormat
import ru.hollowhorizon.hc.client.utils.nbt.serialize

val user = User("Vitalik", 21, "Milky Way, Earth", arrayOf("Halva", "Algorithm", "Barmax"))

val nbt = NBTFormat.serialize(user) // As a result, you will get an object of the class net.minecraft.nbt.Tag

/* It will look something like this:
address: "Milky Way, Earth",
age: 21,
friends: [

Deserialize a simple class

Suppose we have some NBT tag, convert it back to an object of the User class:

import ru.hollowhorizon.hc.client.utils.nbt.NBTFormat
import ru.hollowhorizon.hc.client.utils.nbt.deserialize

val tag: Tag //This is our variable with NBT, you can get it from anywhere

val user = NBTFormat.deserialize(tag) // As a result, you will get an object of the User class

Serialization with inheritance

Sometimes you may want to serialize a class or interface that may have children. In this case, you need to add an annotation for each child @Polymorphic(Parent::class), where Parent is your original the class from which the inheritance originates. Remember to import it: import ru.hollowhorizon.hc.api.utils.Polymorphic.

As an example, you can see how HollowCore implements widgets.