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⏰ Here we go.

  • To start working with the mod, go to the hollowengine/scripts folder (if it does not exist, then create it) and there create a new file according to the template: <name>.<script_type>.kts.


  • <name> - Any file name. (We recommend using only lower case English characters, numbers and the _ symbol)
  • <script_type> - Script type.
If your script takes a long time to run

That's fine. It is compiled from a script into a full-fledged jar. After the first compilation, the engine runs the script from jar instantly. If the script takes more than two minutes to load, try to restart the game and try again, if it doesn't help, report it to the developers.

Schematic of the script

Errors in script

Errors in a script

If there are problems in the script, the chat (or logs) will tell you where on what line the error is, as well as a description of the error itself. You should not immediately, without reading it, throw it to the developers, most likely the error is in your script, not in the mod itself. Developers are offended when they are thrown elementary errors related to your ignorance of the language, not the mod itself 😢

Kotlin (KotlinScript)

Mod KotlinScript
  • In general, this guide is about simple things. For more advanced actions it would be better to "Start learning Kotlin".
  • Basic stuff may be enough for more or less anything.
  • HollowEngine gives you the ability to use your script for plots to the max.
  • Control your plot down to the last detail.